If you are here to find the current cotton rate in Wardha then this article is for you because in this article we are discussing today’s cotton rate in Wardha.

In this article, we are covering various states just like..

Current Cotton Rate In Wardha

Here is the current rate of cotton with the District and Market Name.

DistrictMarket NameMin PriceMax Price

Cotton Rate in Nagpur Saoner Market 

Both tables are the same just because in the case of the Marathi reader can also understand.

जिलाबाजार का नामन्यूनतम मूल्यअधिकतम मूल्य
वर्धासिंडी (सेलू)6,5007,835

Summary Of The Table

At the current rate of the cotton in Ashti the price per quintal is 6,800 and the max price is 7,450 per quintal.

In Hinganghat the current cotton rate is 6,000 per quintal and the max price is 7,940 per quintal.

Also, Samudrapur has the highest rate of cotton is 7,700 per quintal in the current state and the minimum price is 6,200 per quintal.

In Sindi (Selu) current cotton rate in today’s time is 6,500 to 7,835 per quintal.

Wardha is near about 6,925 to 7,725 per quintal.

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